Saturday, June 18, 2016

For the Love of Country

"I have to remind myself that I can support my country too. Bad people like ice cream and I can also like ice cream." Before the first game for Germany in the 2016 Euro Cup, my friend and I sat discussing patriotism and pride for one's country. We talked about how to reconcile wanting to support your home team in something like an international football match and not wanting to outwardly display patriotism, to drape a flag around you and loudly proclaim your love for country. Outside of the international sporting events, these displays in Germany are most often seen among those on the far right, those whose politics are quite disagreeable to many people here.

After the terrible event in Orlando, I too have to ask myself how it's possible to still feel pride in a country where such events can and do occur. I have to ask myself how to feel pride and love when I have no explanation to give to my co-workers and neighbors when they ask how or why such things happen in the US. I was living in Morocco when the tragic event at Sandy Hook took place. Being abroad during such tragedies is difficult-it forces not only explanations to others but also some sort of self-reflection. These questions surrounding love for country and patriotism inevitably arise.

In my reflections, I have come to realize that it is not so much a question of merely loving one's country. It is more about having the kind of love that allows for that reflection, for judgement, and ultimately, for criticism. It is blind love and devotion that is truly dangerous. I can love where I am from-or at least love many things about where I am from-even if bad people also claim to do so. Heck, the US is great-we have Ben and Jerry's, free wifi, and wonderful national parks. There are many things that I would miss if they were gone. Yet my patriotic feelings will always be accompanied by a critical lens. Because without reflection, change is not possible and we can't improve. As a country, we can and should strive to get better. We have so much to gain, just imagine the possibilities...

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